Windimurra Vanadium Project
In May 2016, Atlantic Vanadium Pty Ltd (AVPL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Atlantic, completed the acquisition of the Windimurra vanadium project.
As part of the transaction, AVPL acquired all of the assets of the Windimurra project, including the mining leases, plant and equipment and related infrastructure assets at the Windimurra site.
Windimurra is a fully approved world class vanadium operation with historic investment in plant and infrastructure in excess of A$700 million.
The Windimurra project is currently on care and maintenance with a structured program in place to maintain the plant and infrastructure at the site in operating condition.
With the benefit of the significant process plant and infrastructure already in place and all approvals necessary for the development secured, Windimurra is well positioned to become the world's next major vanadium producer.

AVPL and a highly experienced team of external specialists recently completed a successful definitive feasibility study (DFS) for the development of the Windimurra vanadium project.
The key focus areas of the DFS included:
- Updated JORC 2012 compliant mineral resource and ore reserve statements;
- Mine plan optimisation utilising new geometallurgical understanding of the ore body;
- Final environmental approvals for the project development;
- Engineering design work for the new crushing, milling and beneficiation (CMB) circuit;
- Modifications to the existing refinery circuit to address historical production bottlenecks and to allow production of V2O5 flake; and
- Refurbishment of existing infrastructure at Windimurra.
When in production, Windimurra will produce approximately 7,600 tonnes of high purity vanadium pentoxide flake (V2O5) per annum.
The Windimurra vanadium project is located approximately 670 kilometres north of Perth and 80 kilometres by road from Mount Magnet in Western Australia.
The Windimurra deposit lies within the eastern flank of the large (>2,000km²) Windimurra intruded layered gabbro complex, which is part of the regional Murchison granite-greenstone province.